Clinical guidance

Annual Wellness Visit Q&A

Published January 1, 2022

Why do I need an annual wellness visit?

It’s great to have this time carved out to focus on your health. Even if you’re in close touch with your care team, your annual wellness visit is a chance to zoom out and discuss where you are with your wellness and where you want to go.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare?

It’ll be helpful for your care team if you have on hand:

  • The names of any medications or supplements you take
  • An updated weight, blood pressure, and heart rate

If you have questions on how to take your vitals at home, please chat us in the app!

What should I expect during my visit?

You and your provider will talk about:

  • How you’ve felt over the past year
  • Any disease risk factors you have
  • Any chronic conditions you have
  • Health goals you have for the year ahead
  • Healthy lifestyle recommendations

What kinds of lifestyle recommendations will we cover?

Your provider will talk with you about:

  • Eating healthy
  • Moving your body regularly
  • Getting good sleep
  • Managing stress
  • Driving safe
  • Practicing safe sex
  • Limiting alcohol
  • Not smoking
  • Protecting yourself from the sun
  • Oral health and dental exams
  • Eye exams