Clinical guidance

High blood pressure? Not for long.

Published January 1, 2022

Welcome to the program

Our members have had off-the-charts success keeping their blood pressure in check. The secret? Your care team. From lifestyle changes to medications, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let’s get into the details.

What is a healthy blood pressure?

As blood flows through your body, it pushes against the walls of your blood vessels. Your blood pressure measures how hard it pushes and has two numbers, like 125/75 (“125 over 75”). The first number is called the top number (125 in our example) and the second is the bottom number (75).

Generally, we want our members to have a top number in the 120s and a bottom number in the 70s, but that can vary. Your care team will let you know your personal blood pressure goal.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure means that your blood is pushing with too much force. Over time, that can lead to problems like heart attack and stroke. The only way to know you have high blood pressure is to measure it, which we'll ask you to do regularly.

You have high blood pressure if the top number is over 129 or the bottom number is over 79. For example, the following are all high blood pressure readings:

  • 125/85 — the bottom number is over 79
  • 140/75 — the top number is over 129
  • 135/85 — both numbers are high

What to expect from your care team

Each member of your team has a different role.

Doctor and nurse practitioner (NP)

Your doctor and NP guide your overall care. During visits with them, you’ll go over your blood pressure numbers, medications, and other treatment options.


Quick questions about your blood pressure or your care? Your nurse can answer them right over chat.

Health guide

For ongoing advice and support for healthy eating, staying active, lowering stress, and other lifestyle changes, your health guide is your go-to person. They’ll also ask for your blood pressure numbers whenever we need them.

Member guide

Your member guide helps with non-medical tasks, like checking your insurance coverage or sorting out issues with the app.

What your care team expects from you

You play an important role in this too!

Know your blood pressure goal.

If you’re not sure what it is, send us a chat.

Let us know if you need a blood pressure cuff.

We’ll send you one for free and guide you on how to use it.

Keep up with your visits.

If your blood pressure is high, your doctor or NP will ask you to schedule visits more often (every 2 to 4 weeks) until we bring your blood pressure into a safe range.

Stay on top of requests from your team.

For example, your health guide will ask for blood pressure numbers at least once every 6 months, sometimes more often. With certain medications, we’ll need to check on your heart and kidneys once a year. We’ll let you know what you need to do — just keep an eye out for our messages.

Turn notifications on in the Firefly Health app.

Since we’ll usually contact you through the app, it’s very important to turn on notifications. To do that, tap Profile at the bottom of the app home screen. Under Notification Preferences, make sure Messages and Reminders is set to the on position.

Take your medications as directed.‍

If you have any questions, let us know.

Reach out to your care team.

We’re here for you! Don’t feel well? Contact us. Take a high blood pressure reading? Let us know. And remember, small changes in how you eat,your physical activity, and other lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your blood pressure. Don’t be shy about asking your health guide for support!